SUB) Quick Launcher

You can select the desired time of inquiry and WAS to quickly move to the main tabs of performance analyzer, where you can view the main indices of the WAS/DB.


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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

The trend graph allows for comparison of the main performance indices of WAS/DB at the time point of your inquiry, at a single glance. Additionally, it shows the list of active transactions executed at a specific time; and it means that you can easily find out which transaction was executed when trouble occurred.




Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Select a WAS name.
  • DB: Select the DB name.


The number of active transactions occurring at the time pointDepending on the elapsed time of transaction, different color is used (blue for three sec or less, yellow for three to five sec, and red for six sec, or more).
 2 View the desired regions during the search period.
 3 View all the applicable regions during the search period.
Performance trend graph Display the trends of changes in the main indices for the WAS/DB during the search period.

  • Main indices for WAS: Active Transaction Count, JVM Free Heap, Session Count, SQL Exec Count
  • Main indices for DB: CPU Usage, Active Sessions, Lock Waiting Sessions, Logon Current
 4 Unhide Active Session Lists and Process Lists
 5 Hide Active Session Lists and Process Lists
ActiveSession List

/ Process List

Double click on the desired area of the trend graph to check the active transaction list and the process list for that region.

  • Active Session: Inquire about the information of active transactions executed at the selected time. Use the time tab activated at the bottom to search for within unit of seconds.
  • Process: Information for process being executed at the time (collected in unit of minutes).
  • Active Session (SUM) – Statistics of active transactions executed for one minute.

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

Transaction Trend represents the distribution of elapsed time & the information of transactions that are already executed.
If the AP is normally terminated, the sky color will be used on the left. In case of exception, the red color is used. Drag the transaction to show the transaction information on the right. Click on the transaction name and right click the right mouse button to launch the link menu.


Item Descriptions
Time Transaction completion time
WAS WAS where the transaction is executed
Transaction Transaction Name
Elapse Total execution time for a transaction
Exception Name of exception occurring during transaction execution
Login Name Transactions’s login name
SQL Elapse Time of SQL executed by a transaction
SQL Execute Count The number of times SQL executed by a transaction
SQL Fetch Count Transaction fetch count
Client IP IP address for the client that executed a transaction
Remote Elapse Time Execution time of a transaction called from the outside
Remote Execution Time The number of transaction executions called from the outside
Login Name Transactions’s login name
Browser Browser used by the client
TP Elapse Transaction’s TP execution time

• Search Conditions



Item Descriptions
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Select a WAS name.
  • Elapse Time : Execution time
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Select a WAS name.
  • Elapse Time : Execution time
  • Transaction Name : Transaction name
  • IP : Client IP
  • Login Name : Login name
  • Fetch Count : Fetch count
  • SQL Elapse Time : SQL execution time
  • SQL Executions : SQL execution count
  • GID
 10 Display all transactions executed in the search area.
 11 Only display transactions with exceptions in the search area.
 12 Search button

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SUB) Transaction Trend Screen

• Link menu


Item Descriptions
Transaction Detail Displays the details of transaction.
Transaction Summary Inquire about the execution details of transaction.
Export Excel Save the transaction data in an XLS file.
Copy (To Clipboard) Copy the transaction data to clipboard.
Show/Hide Columns Hide or unhide a column.
Filter On/Off Filter a column by assigning a condition to it.
Multiple Sort On/Off Multiple sort function
Save Image Save the transaction data in a PNG file.
Image Capture Select a captured area and save it in a PNG file.

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

The trend graph allows for comparison of the main performance indices of WAS/DB at the time point of inquiry, at a single glance. In addition, it shows the list of active transactions executed at the specific time, and allows you to easily identify which transaction was executed when trouble occurred.

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SUB) Stat Tab Screen



Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • DB: Select the DB name.
 2 View the desired regions during the search period.
 3 View all the applicable regions during the search period.
DB’s MainPerformance IndexTrend Graph It represents the trends of the following : CPU, Active, L/Reads, P/Reads, Exec, Locked, Ratio Entries.
DBStat indexTrend Graph It represents the following DB stats trends: Stat, Wait, Value, Ratio, OS Stat, Lock Tree, Lock Info.
ActiveSession/ Active


Double click on the desired area of the trend graph to check the active session list and the SUM information.

  • Active Session: Inquire about the information of active sessions executed at the selected time. Use the time tab activated in the bottom to search for them in the unit of seconds.
  • Active Session (SUM) – Statistics of active sessions executed for one minute.


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SUB) Transaction Memory Leak Screen

Maxgauge can extract member variables with increasing memory usage from the list of member variables used in the transaction; and identify the transactions with suspected memory leak and memory usage by member variable.


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SUB) Object Memory Leak Screen

You can see the changes in the memory usage by an object with suspected memory leak.


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SUB) Thread Dump Viewer Screen

In case of OOM (Out Of Memory), or upon user’ requests, Thread Dump Viewer can start thread dumping and perform analysis. Using Thread Dump Viewer, you can identify when the dump takes place and the learn the details.


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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • By Elapse Time / By Execution Count: Set the search criteria.
  • Elapse Time (AVG): Only search for transactions with the average elapsed time above the limit.

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SUB) TOP Transaction Screen

Maxgauge can extract the list of transactions with the average elapsed time or the total number of executions, so that you can review the longest transactions or the most frequently executed transactions. 


Top Transaction List It represents the list of top transactions during the search period in terms of average elapsed time or total number of executions. You can inquire about a specific WAS or the entire system.

  • Information collected from the DB: logical reads, physical reads, wait time

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Maxgauge can extract and sort the SQL, in the increasing order of average elapsed time, so that you can analyze and manage the SQL performance.


Functions Descriptions
Search condition Time: Set the time range of search.WAS – Set the condition for the WAS that executed the SQL.Elapse Time – SQL execution time (avg, max, total)
SQL List – By Elapse Time Sorted in the increasing order of average elapsed time.
SQL List – By Execute count Sorted in the increasing order of execute count.
Elapse Spread You can see the distribution of elapsed time for the SQL selected.Horizontal axis represents the elapsed time.(sky color: average, blue: maximum)
Execute Spread You can see the distribution of execute count for the SQL selected.Horizontal axis represents the Execute Count.

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

It shows the summary data of transaction, per unit time, in chronological order. You can analyze the specific performance history at each time segment. You can identify which time segment has a performance issue. 


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • Transaction: Name of transaction to search for
  • WAS Name: Use it if you only want to search for transactions executed by a specific WAS.
  •  Leak detection item setting: Search condition for “non-returned” statement, result set, connection, or object resources.

Summary List

This is the summary information of transaction execution history in the unit of time designated (default: 10 minutes).

Execute Count Chart

Distribution of execute counts for a transaction in the unit of time designated

Elapse Time Chart

Distribution of elapsed times for a transaction in the unit of time designated
SQL Elapse time


Distribution of SQL elapse times for a transaction in the unit of time designated

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

Maxgauge can search by specific time periods, WAS or transaction name; and check the execution details of the SQL used in the transactions for performance analysis.


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the search start time.
  • Elapse time: Set the SQL execution time.
  • SQL ID: SQL text’s unique ID
  • WAS Name: WAS name
 17 Display the top 100 summary data sets of SQL execution history during the search period based on the reference time (default, 10 min).
 18 Display all the summary data sets of SQL execution history during the search period based on the reference time (default, 10 min).
Transaction SQL Display the summary data sets of SQL execution history for each transaction during the search period based on the reference time (default, 10 min).

  • Main columns: Transaction, SQL, Instance, SQL Execution Count, max/avg SQL Elapse Time , CPU Time, Wait Time, Logical Reads, Physical Reads
SQL Summary Display the summary data sets of SQL execution history during the search period based on the reference time (default, 10 min).

  • Main columns: Transaction, SQL, Instance, SQL Execution Count, max/avg SQL Elapse Time , CPU Time, Wait Time, Logical Reads, Physical Reads
SQL Transaction


Execution stats of transactions that used the selected SQL
Active Transaction Details of active transactions executed when selected SQL is executed
SQL Text Full text for the selected SQL
Bind List Display the list of each bind used for selected SQL (at present, the time data is not collected.  You can only set the bind list.).

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

Exception History provides the statistics for Exceptions that occur while transaction is running. It helps you to assess transactions with frequent exceptions and the status of frequent exceptions.


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: WAS Name
  • By Exception: Grouping exceptions
  • By Transaction: Grouping transactions
  • By Top Exception: Exception Count TOP 10
  • Exception Name: Name of exception to search for
Exception Transaction List Exception statistics of transaction occurring in the search area
Call Tree Call tree information for the selected transaction
Exception List Details of exceptions occurring in the search area
Total Exception Count Stats graph for exceptions occurring in the search area
Total Exception Ratio Ratio of each exception name found in the search area
Individual ExceptionCount Stats graph for an exception selected from the exception transaction list
Exception Trend Graph indicating the status of exception in the search area

Log Text

You can see the details of exceptions. In the Exception Transaction list, left click the mouse on an exception; then double click on it or right click on the mouse in the Exception List; and then select Log Text.


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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

You can compare various performance indices such as CPU usage, Transaction execution, or TPS of the WASs; and analyze the degree of load balance between different WAS. 


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Set the WAS for comparison with (2 or more).
Workload Comparison Analyzes the following performance indices: JVM CPU Usage, Transaction Execute Count, Transaction Elapse Time.
Active Transaction


Comparative analysis of the WAS and the trends of active transactions in the selected time range
Active Transaction


Active transaction count bar graph
TPS Comparison Comparative analysis of the WAS and trends for TPS in the selected time range
TPS Rate TPS ratio bar graph

ComparisonComparative analysis of the WAS and the trends of active transactions in the selected time rangeActive Transaction

CountActive transaction count bar graphTPS ComparisonComparative analysis of the WAS and trends for TPS in the selected time rangeTPS RateTPS ratio bar graph

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SUB) Setting the Search Conditions

Diff Source allows user to manage the change history of class source used in WAS. Source Download starts operating after it is set in Maxgauge Configuration. Each time WAS restarts, it will check whether the source is modified; and if yes, it will continue to add new changed source.


To compare sources, you can use time or class name options for your inquiry. If you select a class in the left top, the data loaded for each WAS will be displayed at the left bottom. After selecting the data that you want to view the source for, right click with the mouse to move the source to Source 1, Source2 buttons.


Diff Env

Diff Source allows user to manage the change history of class source used in WAS. Source Download starts operating after it is set in Maxgauge Configuration. Each time WAS restarts, it will check whether the source is modified; and if yes, it will continue to add new changed source.


To compare sources, you can use time or class name options for your inquiry. If you select a class in the left top, the data loaded for each WAS will be displayed at the left bottom. After selecting the data that you want to view the source for, right click with the mouse to move the source to Source 1, Source2 buttons.


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Alert Summary

You can see the details of alarms issued for JVM downtime.


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Set the WAS/DB subject to searches.
  • Minute/Hour : Specify whether to see the alert history in the unit of minute or hour.
ALARM The bar graph represents the number of JVM down times for each time segment.

Depending on the alert level, different colors are used. Yellow indicates a warning level, while red indicates a critical level.

Alert List Click on the bar graph to see the details of alerts occurring at the time.
Time Alert occurrence time
WAS/DB WAS or DB where an alert is generated
Name Alert Name
Status Alert Status. Either warning or critical.
Value Alert count or value Depending on the alert characteristics.

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Client Summary

Client Summary displays the statistics of transactions executed for each IP address, used at the time. 


Item Descriptions
Search condition
  • Time: Set the time range of search.
  • WAS: Set the WAS subject to search.
Bar Graph The bar graph, based on total time, represents the sum of transactions executed for each IP address that the client accessed.
IP Client’s IP address
User Name Client’s User Name
Browser Client’s Browser Type
Transaction Execute Count The number of times transactions executed for each client’s IP address
Transaction Elapse Time (AVG) Average elapsed time for a transaction executed for each client’s IP address
Transaction Elapse Time (MAX) Max elapsed time for a transaction executed for each client’s IP address
SQL Elapse Time (AVG) Average elapsed time for SQL used in a transaction executed for each client’s IP address
SQL Elapse Time (MAX) Average elapsed time for SQL used in a transaction executed for each client’s IP address

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Webserver Summary

This statistic indicates the status of the web server, such as the response time for each URL called by the web server, service statistics for each URL, and service error alarms.


Item Descriptions
IP IP address for the web servers during the search period
AVG Elapse Time The average elapsed time during the search period
Execute Count The total number of executions during the search period
Error Count The average service response time during the search period
Min Elapse Time The min elapsed time during the search period
Max Elapse Time The max elapsed time during the search period
Total Elapse Time Total elapsed time during the search period

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