
Functions Overview by PA Window

Main functions provided by PA are as follows.

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SQL Analysis

Provides various functions for performance and error analysis.

Screen Name Description
Top-N Analysis Provides long-term Top-N stat analysis function.

l  Provides Top-N data with respect to the 6 categories (Schema, Program, Module, Machine, OS User, and SQL) based on Elapsed Time, CPU Time, Logical reads, Physical Reads, Executions.

Elapsed Time Analysis Provides elapsed time analysis function and the data from 2 points of view.

l  Provides Top-down method elapsed time analysis function with respect to the 6 categories (Schema, Program, Module, Machine, OS User, and SQL).

l  Provides SQL execution distribution and the elapsed time analysis function by individual SQL by providing individual SQL’s elapsed time in a scatter chart.

Long-Term Trend Provides long-term performance and Top-N trend analysis function.

l  Provides daily trends of Top-N (Schema, Program, Module, and SQL).

Change History Trend & Analysis Provides the number of SQLs with changes in the execution plan by date and the execution plan comparison function.

l  Provides the number of SQLs with changes, differentiating the number of SQL’s whose elapsed time has increased or decreased in accordance with the changes in the execution plan.

l  Provides CRUD matrix by table and the related SQLs.

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Trend Analysis

Provides various functions for performance and error analysis.

Window Name Description
1-Day Summary View Provides a quick analysis of the peak time period within the day.

  • This window provides the average hourly trends graph of main performance indicators and wait classes which help to easily identify the peak times.  Also, you can check the Top-N data in the corresponding time period and the executing SQLs by wait events with a single mouse click.
Performance Trend Provides a function for detailed performance analysis

  • Provides a record of active sessions’ activities by every second during the peak period, workload of performance indicators and wait events executed within the corresponding period, and the Top-N data, which help to closely analyze the root cause of performance degradation and error.
Session List Provides the session search function.
SQL List Provides SQL search function.
Long-Term Trend Provides a function for analyzing the long-term performance and Top-N trends.

  • Provides daily trends of performance indicators, wait events, and wait classes.
Parameter Provides Oracle parameter information and parameter change history.
Parameter Provides Oracle parameter information and parameter change history.
Alert Log l  Provides Oracle alert log and alarm generation details.
Session ListAlert Log Provides session search function.  Provides Oracle alert log and alarm generation details.

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Data Visualization

Provides an analysis window which has been applied with a Data Viualization technique.

Window Name Description
DataPath View Provides the analysis of the degree of significance of multiple instances or dates.  It also provides a bi-directional connection analysis among the Instance, Schema, Program (or Module), and SQL.

  • Among the Data Visualization techniques, the Flow visualization technique has been applied.
Hotspot View Provides the CPU (%) hotspot period of multiple instances or several dates.

  • Among the Data Visualization techniques, the Heat Map technique has been applied.

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Power Comparison

Provides a function for performance comparisons from various points of view.

Window Name Description
Module Comparison Provides a function for comparing with previous execution history, in the event of a particular module’s (up to 5) performance degradation.
Program Comparison Provides a function for comparing with previous execution history, in the event of a particular program’s performance degradation.
Session Comparison Provides a function for comparing with previous execution history, in the event of a particular session’s performance degradation.
Peak Time Comparison Provides a function for comparing with the previous dates’ corresponding time, in the event of performance degradation at a particular time period.
Node Comparison Provides a function for comparing the workload and SQL performance of multiple instances.
Load Test Comparison Provides a function for comparing the performance among the different load tests executed several times throughout the day (up to 5 times).

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Capacity Planning

Provides the data required for capacity calculation.

Window Name Description
Tablespace Provides the tablespace’s usage and free space trends.  It also provides the Top-N segment information within the tablespace whose usage increase ratio (and size) is high.
Segment Provides the trends of a specific segment’s daily size and the daily increase in size.

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Analysis Report

Provides a function for SQL Plan analysis.

Report Template Description
Daily Report Provides performance analysis report of a specific date.
Long-Term Report Provides performance analysis report of a specific period.
Hotspot Report Provides performance analysis report of a Hotspot area.

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Getting Started

To start the task of performance management through PA, enter the MaxGauge website address into the web browser bar.


Note. The IP and the PORT are in reference to the platform.JS, which is one of MaxGauge’s components.  IP is the server IP in which the platform.JS is located and the PORT is one which is used by the platform.JS.

On the left panel of the Login screen, select Performance Analyzer, and enter the ID and the password.


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Enter ID/Password

Enter MaxGauge ID and password.  The default ID is as follows.

ID Default Password Permissions
admin manager Super User

Note. MaxGaugae ID and password are case-sensitive.  For information on user management, please reference “MaxGauge Configuration Manual”.

Once user authentification process is over, then the following screen will appear.


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