
SUB) Overview

Provides the function for detailed analysis of a specific SQL.  The main functions are as follows.

  • 1-Day Trend: Provides the trends of the selected date’s Elapsed Time, IO, and Wait Time by each time period.
  • 1-Hour Trend: Provides the trends of selected time’s Elapsed Time, IO, and Wait Time by every 10 minutes.
  • Provides the information of wait events generated at the time of SQL execution by units of 1-Day, 1-Hour, and every 10 minutes.
  • Provides detailed performance history in units of 10 minutes.
  • SQL performance information by Plan Hash Value
  • Provides the Plan Comparison function.

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SUB) Window Configuration

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) 1-Day Trend

Provides the trends of selected date’s Elapsed Time, IO, and Wait Time by each time period.

Elapsed Time Trend Tab

Provides the hourly average trends of the corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time, CPU Time, and Executions.


Item Description
Orange Line Provides the hourly average value of the corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time.
Green Line Provides the hourly average value of the corresponding SQL’s CPU Time.
Bar Chart Hourly sum of the corresponding SQL’s execution count.

  • In case the corresponding SQL’s plan hash value is 2 or more, it will be displayed in a stacked bar format.

IO Trend Tab

Provides the hourly average trends of the corresponding SQL’s Logical IO and Physical IO.


Item Description
Bar Chart Provides hourly average value of the corresponding SQL’s Logical IO.
Line Chart Provides the hourly average value of the corresponding SQL’s Physical IO.

Wait Class Trend

Provides the corresponding SQL’s wait time information according to wait class (and CPU Time) by hourly.


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SUB) 1-Hour Trend

Provides the trends of the time selected in the 1-Day Trend by every 10 minute.


Note. When the SQL Detail Window first pops up, the time section whose Elapsed Time is the highest in the 1-Day Trend will be displayed.

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SUB) Wait Event Summary

Provides the corresponding SQL information by wait event (and CPU Time).


Tab Explanation

Tab Name Description
1-Day Provides wait information of 1 day.
1-Hour Provides the wait information of the time section selected in the 1-Day Trend.
10 Minutes Provides the wait information of the 10 minutes selected in the 1-Hour Trend.

Grid Column

Column Name Description
Event Name Wait Event Name (or CPU Time)
Time (Sec) Wait Time (or CPU Time)
Time (%) The ratio of the corresponding wait event (or CPU Time) out of the total elapsed time.
Time/exec (Sec) Average Wait Time (or Average CPU Time)
Wait Class Wait Class Name

  • Not available if the item is CPU Time

Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) SQL Stat by Plan Hash Value

Provides the SQL performance information by Plan hash values.

Grid Column

Column Name Description
Check Button Select the Plan Comparison Target

  • You can choose up to 2 items.
Executions SQL Text Executions Count by Plan hash value (Sum)
Elapsed Time/exec (Sec) SQL Elapsed Time by Plan hash value (Average per Execution)
CPU Time/exec (Sec) SQL CPU Time by Plan hash value (Average per Execution)
Wait Time/exec (Sec) SQL Wait Time by Plan hash value (Average per Execution)

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SUB) SQL& Execution Plan

Provides the SQL statement and execution plan information.


Note. When the Plan hash value is 2 or greater, it provides each separate execution plan information.

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SUB) SQL Stat 10 Minutes Summary

Provides the corresponding SQL’s summary information taken every 10 minute.

Grid Column

Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name
SQL Plan Hash SQL Plan hash
Elapsed Time/exec (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time (Average per Execution)
CPU Time/exec (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s CPU Time (Average per Execution)
Wait Time/exec (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Wait Time (Average per Execution)
Executions Execution Count (Sum)
Elapsed Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s Elapsed Time (Sum)
CPU Time (Sec) Corresponding SQL’s CPU Time (Sum)
Logical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Memory IO (Sum)
Physical Reads (blocks) Corresponding SQL’s Physical IO (Sum)
Redo Size (byte) Redo amount generated upon executing the corresponding SQL (Sum)
Unit: Bytes
Sort Disk (count) The number of times the corresponding SQL has executed the disk sort (Sum)
Sort Rows The number of records the corresponding SQL has performed sorting (Sum)
Table Fetch By Rowid (count) The number of times the corresponding SQL has accessed the table by using the ROWID. (Sum)
Table Fetch Continued By Rowid (count) The number of times the corresponding SQL has accessed 2 or more blocks to fetch one record.  (Sum)
Table Scan Blocks Gotten (block) The number of blocks accessed by the corresponding SQL at the time of scan operation (Table Full Scan, Index Full Scan, and Index Fast Full Scan).  (Sum)
Table Scan Rows Gotten (row) The number of records accessed by the corresponding SQL at the time of scan operation (Table Full Scan, Index Full Scan, and Index Fast Full Scan)  (Sum)

Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Long-Term Trend Connects to Long-Term Trend window for the corresponding SQL.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

Provides the function for detailed analysis of a specific session.  The main functions are as follows.

  • Provides the trends of main performance indicators taken every second.
  • Provides the main performance indicators’ workload, wait event and undo related information taken every second.
  • Provides the session’s basic information.
  • Provides the information of SQL executed in the session.

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SUB) Time Silce WIndow

When connecting to the Session Detail Window, it provides the function for setting the analysis period.


Item Description
Detail analysis on entire section Check Box checked Sets the Performance Trend window’s entire section as the analysis period.
Detail analysis on entire section Check Box unchecked Sets the 5 minutes before and after the Performance Trend’s analysis time as the analysis period.  (Default Set Value)

  • You can also set the analysis period.

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SUB) Window Configuration

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Performance Trend Area

Provides the trends graph of the following performance indicators by every second.

Item Description
Logical Reads (blocks) The number of corresponding session’s Logical IO Blocks  (Value/sec)
Physical Reads (blocks) The number of corresponding session’s Physical IO Blocks (Value/sec)
Block Changes (blocks) The number of blocks the corresponding session has changed (Value/sec)
Executions The corresponding session’s SQL execution count (Value/sec)
CPU (%) The corresponding session’s CPU Usage (%) (Current value)
PGA (MB) The corresponding session’s PGA Size (Current value)
Hard Parse The corresponding session’s hard parsing count (Value/sec)
Total Parse Count The corresponding session’s parsing count (Value/sec)
Undo Blocks The number of undo blocks used by the corresponding session (Current value)

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SUB) Session & SQL Info

Session Tab

Provides the corresponding time’s (second) main performance indicator and wait events information.

  • Wait Event Info: Wait Event Name
  • Stat Info: The amount generated by the performance indicators provided in the Performance Trend Area. (Value/sec  or Current value)
  • Undo related information
  • Wait Event P2/P2/P3 related information


Session Info Tab

Provides the basic information of the corresponding session.


SQL Tab Grid

Among the SQLs executed by the corresponding session, the execution information of the SQLs existing within the Session Detail Window analysis period is provided.

Column Name Description
SQL Text SQL Text
SQL Plan Hash SQL Plan Hash Value

SQL Tab Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Full SQL Text Provides SQL Full Text.
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Analysis Time Shift Method

Double-click a specific time point in the Performance Trend Area or use Time Navigation.

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SUB) Analysis Perid Extending Method

Unless you have checked the “Detail analysis on entire section” in the Time Slice Window, the analysis period extending function is provided.

Extending Time to Previous 5 Minutes

When you put the mouse over the left axis in the Performance Trend Area and the ““Previous (5min)” appears, click to extend the period to previous 5 minutes.


Note. For example, if the current analysis period is 10:00~10:10 minutes, then it extends the analysis period to 9:55~10:10 minutes.

Extending Time to Next 5 Minutes

When you put the mouse over the left axis in the Performance Trend Area and the “Next (5min)” appears, click to extend the period to next 5 minutes.


Note. For example, if the current analysis period is 10:00~10:10 minutes, then it extends the analysis period to 10:00~10:15 minutes.

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