
SUB) Overview

Provides a list of objects whose status has changed to INVALID within the last “n” minutes.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> Invalid Objects

Note. The default value is the last 1 minute.  To change the set value, you need to change the 1/1440 within the inval_obj.sh.  For example, if you want to change to 2 minute period, then set it as 2/1440.

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SUB) DB Server-Side Preparations

  1. Create a INVAL_OBJECTS table using the $MXG_HOME/conf/$SID/script/inval_obj.sql.
  2. Register inval_obj.sh shell at $MXG_HOME/conf/$SID/rts.conf.


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SUB) Initial Screen

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

Provides a list of DBA_2PC_PENDING View.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> 2PC Pending

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

Provides various scripts useful to DBAs, and allows you to register the user script.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> Script Manager

The window configuration is as follows.

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SUB) User Script Register, Delete, Modify

Provides the function which allows you to register, delete, and modify the User script.

User Script Registeration (SQL Type)

1. Click the Add button.

2. Select Type, and enter the name and the script. Click OK.


3. Check whether the User Script has been registered successfully.


4. Once you have selected the instance from the Instance List, double-click the user script, or select the user script and click the Retrieve button.

5. The execution result is as follows.


6. When you are selecting several instances from the Instance List, the execution results by instance will be output in order.


User Script Registration (PL/SQL Type)

1. Click the Add button.

2. Select Type, and enter the name and the script. Click OK.


3. Check whether the User Script has been registered successfully.


4. Once you have selected the instance from the Instance List, double-click the user script, or select the user script and click the Retrieve button.

5. The execution result is as follows.


6 .When you are selecting several instances from the Instance List, the execution results by instance will be output in order.


User Script Registration (Trend Chart Type)

1. Click the Add button.

2. Select Type, and enter the name and the script. Click OK.


Note. In the Trend Chart type script, the first column must use the time column using the SYSDATE, and starting from the second column, the aggregate function (COUNT, OR SUM, and etc.) should be used.

3. Check whether the User Script has been registered successfully.


4. Once you have selected the instance from the Instance List, double-click the user script, or select the user script and click the Retrieve button.

5. The execution result is as follows.


6. When you are selecting several instances from the Instance List, the execution results by instance will be output in order.


Note. When two or more Instances have been selected, then the trend chart is not provided and only the grid chart is provided.

User Script Registration (Folder Type)

1. Click the Add button.

2. Select Type, and enter the name and click OK.


3. A new folder is created as follows.


User Script Individual Delete

1. Select the user script to be deleted.


2. Click the Delete button.

3. Click OK or Cancel.


User Script Delete All

1. Click the Delete All button.

2. Click OK or Cancel.


User Script Modify

1. Select the user script you wish to modify.


2. Click Modify button.

3. Click OK when finished.


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SUB) MaxGauge & User Script

Provides a list of MaxGauge Script (default) and User Script (user registered).

MaxGauge Scripts are as follows.

Script Name Description
Parameter Provides the parameter information (hidden parameter included).
User Provides information by DB User.
Object Count By User Provides the number of objects created by each DB User.
Tablespace Provides the table space usage information.
Extend Status Provides the number of extends by segment.
File I/O Provides the IO information by data file.
Literal SQL Provides the Literal SQL information.
Latch Provides the usage statistics by Latch.
Latch Holder Provides Latch Holder information.
Temporary Segment Usage Provides Temp segment usage status by sessions.
Rollback Segment Usage Provides a list of Rollback segment by session.
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Provides Buffer Cache Hit Ratio.
Library Cache Hit Ratio Provides Library Cache Hit Ratio.
Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio Provides Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio.
Sort Ratio Provides Sort Ratio.
DBWR Ratio Provides DBWR Ratio.
LGWR Ratio Provides LGWR Ratio.
Session Ratio Provides Session Ratio.
Last Changed Object Provides a list of objects changed recently.
Last Analyzed Object Provides a list of objects whose statistics information has been renewed recently.
Log Switch Status Provides Log switch history.
Lock Tree Provides the relationship between the Lock holder and the waiterin a tree structure.
Invalid Objects Provides a list of objects whose status is INVALID.
SGA Stat Provides the lookup result of V$SGASTAT.
PGA Stat Provides the lookup result of V$PGASTAT.
Unanalyzed Segment Provides a list of segments that do not have statistics information.
Undo Usage per Session Provides undo usage statistics by session.
Undo Usage Summary Provides summary information by Undo status (ACTIVE, EXPIRE, UNEXPIRE, and etc.).
Backup Processing Tablespace Provides a list of tablespace currently in the process of hot backup.

Note 1. When SID and SERIAL# columns exist in the Script execution results, double-click and it will connect to the Sesion Detail Window.
Note 2. It is important to take caution when deleting cookies since it will delete all the registered User Scripts as well.

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SUB) Overview

Provides alarm generation status and history information.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Alert Log History

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) LAST 10 min

Provides information of alarms generated during the last 10 minutes.

Item Description
 83 Indicates the number of warning alarms and critical alarms generated in the last 10 minutes.
ORACLE ALERT Indicates the number of Oracle Alert Log Alarm generated in the last 10 minutes.
TABLESPACE Indicates the number of TABLESPACE usage alarm generated in the last 10 minutes.
SERVER STATUS Indicates the number of DB Down / Listener Stop / RTS Daemon down alarm generated in the last 10 minutes.
STAT Indicates the number of OS Stat / DB Stat / DB Wait alarm generated in the last 10 minutes.
OTHERS Indicates the number of Disk Usage / DB Warning / SGA Free Memory Usage alarm generated in the last 10 minutes.

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SUB) Current Alert

Provides information of alarms currently being generated.

Warning alarm is displayed in yellow, and critical alarm is displayed in red.  When you hover over the corresponding area with your mouse, you can check the alarm details.


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hen you change the Display Mode to GRID Mode, the screen will be changed as follows.



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SUB) Operation Method

Only when the alarm status changes as noted below, the alarm entry becomes registered.

  1. If the individual performance indicator is continuously in critical status, it records the very first one only.
  2. If the individual performance indicator is changed from critical (or warning) status to normal, and then changed back to critical (or warning), then it records as 2 incidents.
  3. If the individual performance indicator is changed from critical status to warning, then it records as 2 incidents. The reverse is the same.

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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
Instance Instance Name
Time Alarm Generated Time
Name Performance Indicator Name
Value Performance Indicator Value
Level Warning or Critical
Log Provides detailed information in the event of alarms for Alert Log, Tablespace, Disk Usage, and etc.
User Script Name of user script being executed in the server.

For more information about User Script, please reference “MaxGauge Admin Manual”.

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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