
SUB) Overview

The Remote Sessions [Outgoing] Tool monitors the sessions executing the distributed queries in a tree method through the DB link.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> Remote Sessions [Outgoing]

Note. As an example, let’s suppose that distributed queries are being executed through the DB link generated from Instance 1 to Instance 2, as shown below.


In this case, the tree structure of Instance 1 perceived by the Remote Sessions [Outgoing] Tool is as follows.


The window configuration is as follows.


Note. For information about functions across the top of the Window and the refresh function, please reference “Chapter 4 Common UI” section.

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SUB) Active Sessions Only

When you check the box for Active Session Only, then only the sessions whose status is active will be retrieved.

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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session Identifier
Instance Name Instance Name
Schema Schema Name (It may generally appear as a logged username, however, when executing a Recursive SQL, it will be displayed as SYS.)
Program Program Name
Module Module Name
CPID Client Process ID
SPID Server Process ID
Serial Session Serial Number
Status Session Status
Logical Reads/Sec (blocks) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Physical Reads/Sec (blocks) Disk I/O Blocks Count  (Value/sec)
Block Changes/Sec (blocks) Changed Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Executions/Sec SQL Text Execution Count (Value/sec)
CPU (%) Current CPU Usage
PGA (MB) Size of PGA currently in use
Elapsed Time (Sec) Time elapsed from the start of SQL execution until now
Wait Name of wait event currently waiting
SQL Text SQL Text currently in progress
Action Action Name
Logical Reads (Sigma) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Physical Reads (Sigma) Memory I/O Blocks Count  (Cumulative Value)
Block Changes (Sigma) Disk I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Executions (Sigma) Changed Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Machine Machine Name
OS User OS User Name
Logon Time Session Login Time

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

Mouse Right-Click Menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Expand All Shows the expanded entire tree structure. (Parent and Child Output)
Collapse All Shows the collapsed tree structure.  (Only Parent Output)
Row Expand Only expands the corresponding row in the Collapsed All state.
Row Collapse Only collapses the corresponding row in the Expand All state.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The Remote Sessions [Incoming] Tool monitors sessions executing the distributed queries in a tree method through the DB link.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> Remote Sessions [Incoming]

Note. As an example, let’s suppose that distributed queries are being executed through the DB link generated from Instance 1 to Instance 2, as shown below.


In this case, the tree structure of Instance 2 perceived by the Remote Sessions [Incoming] Tool is as follows.


The window configuration is as follows.


Regarding the Window UI, Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics, Grid Column, Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu, the information is consistent with Remote Sessions [Outgoing] Tool,  therefore, please reference “Chapter 5 Remote Sessions [Outgoing] Tool” section.

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SUB) Overview

The Session Manager Tool allows you to search the sessions logged into the database with various conditions.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> Session Manager

The window configuration is as follows.


Note. For information about functions across the top of the Window and the refresh function, please reference “Chapter 4 Common UI” section.

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SUB) Instance List

When you click on the instance name, it performs the search under the conditions set in Search Condition.

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SUB) Search Condition

Input or select the search conditions.  The String column is not case-sensitive, and “%” is placed in the front and at the end of the search condition and performs the Like search.

Item Description
Module Enter the search target module name.
Program Enter the search target program name.
Schema Enter the search target schema name.
Machine Enter the search target machine name.
Elapsed Time Set the search target SQL elapsed time.

  • Default Setting Value: Greater than 0 second
SID Enter the search target SID.
SPID Enter the search target SPID.
Status Select the search target session status.


  • Default Setting Value: All
OS User Enter the search target OS User.

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SUB) Display Option

Determine the calculation method of Delta value and whether to output the background session or not.

Item Description
 103 The value generated within the Refresh cycle (delta value) is divided by the Refresh cycle will output the average value/second.
 104 Outputs the value generated within the Refresh cycle (delta value).
 105 Does not output the Background sessions.
 106 Outputs the Background sessions.

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SUB) Session Control

This provides the session control function.

Item Description
 107 After a confirmation step as shown below, it kills the selected session.


 108 Sets the SQL Trace (10046) for the selected session.


  • Level1: SQL Text, Elapsed Time and Execution Plan (Default)
  • Level4: Level1 + Bind information
  • Level8: Level1 + Wait information
  • Lvel12: Level1 + Level4 + Level8
 111 After a confirmation step as shown below, it turns off the SQL Trace (10046) function for the selected session.


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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
SPID Server Process ID
SID Session ID
Serial Serial Number
Status Session Status
Logical Reads/Sec (blocks) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Physical Read/Sec (blocks) Disk I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Block Changes/Sec (blocks Changed Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Executions/Sec SQL Text Execution Count (Value/sec)
Hard Parse Count/Sec Hard parsing Count (Values/sec)
Parse Count Total/Sec Parsing Count (Value/sec)
Opened Cursors Current Number of cursors currently open (Current value)
Undo Blocks Number of Undo Blocks used during the transaction. (Value/Sec)
Undo Records Number of Undo Record generated during the transaction (Value/Sec)
Undo Seg. ID Undo Segment ID being used by the transaction
CPU (%) CPU Usage (%)
PGA (MB) Size of PGA currently in use
Elapsed Time (Sec) Time elapsed from the start of SQL execution until now
Wait Name of wait event currently waiting
SQL Plan Hash Plan hash Value
SQL Text SQL Statement
Command Type SQL Type (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, and etc.)
Action Action Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Logical Reads (Sigma) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Physical Reads (Sigma) Disk I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Block Changes (Sigma) Changed Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Executions (Sigma) SQL Text Execution Count (Cumulative Value)
Undo Blocks (Sigma) Number of Undo Blocks used during the transaction. (Cumulative Value)
Undo Records (Sigma) Number of Undo Record generated during the transaction (Cumulative Value)
Machine Machine Name
OS User OS User Name
CPID Client Process ID
System ID OS Process User Name
Logon Time Session Login Time
Client Identifier Client Identifier
Client Info Client Info

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO.
Hash Value SQL Text Hash Value
Addr SQL Text Address Value
P1 Indicates the P1 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P1.
P2 Indicates the P2 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P2.
P3 Indicates the P3 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P3.

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For information on other features except the View SQL and Session Detail discussed in this section, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
View SQL Connects to SQL Detail window.

Session Detail Connects to Session Detail window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The Active Session Frame provides a list of active sessions.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Active Sessions

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Display Mode

Select the display mode for the session list.

Item Description
 114 Provides a list of individual active sessions. (Default)
 115 Provides information of grouped main columns.

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SUB) Summary Mode

The initial window of Summary Mode is as follows.

Common Columns by Tab

Column Name Description
Total Count Total number of active sessions by grouping standards

  • The bar graph shows the percentage and its value is displayed when you put the mouse over the bar.


Total CPU (%) Total CPU (%) by grouping standards
Total Elapsed Time (Sec) Total elapsed time by grouping standards
Total Logical Reads (blocks) Total Memory IO by grouping standards
Total PGA (MB) Total PGA by grouping standards

Schema Tab

The Schema Tab displays the result of grouping by Schema.

Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name

Program Tab


The Program Tab displays the result of grouping by Schema and Program names.

Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name

Module Tab

The Module Tab displays the result of grouping by Schema, Program, and Module names.


Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.


The SQL Tab displays the result of grouping by Schema, Program, Module, and SQLID.


Column Name Description
Schema Schema Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
SQL Text SQL Statement

Mouse Right-Click Menu 

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For information on other features except the View SQL discussed in this section, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
View SQL Connects to SQL Detail Window.

Session Detail It connects to the Session Detail Window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Display Option

On the Display Option, you can determine whether to output the Background session or not.

Item Description
 121 Does not output the Background session.
 122 Outputs the Background session.

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SUB) Instance Name Combo Box

The Instance Name Combo Box provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

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SUB) Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics

When you double-click on the session list, it will connect to the Session Detail Window. For more information about this page, please reference “5 Chapter Session Detail Window” section.

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For information on other features except the View SQL and Session Detail discussed in this section, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
View SQL Connects to SQL Detail window.

Session Detail Connects to Session Detail window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

Provides a list of active sessions in a RAC environment.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Active Sessions (RAC)

The screen configuration is as follows.


This frame is only provided on a RAC View. All UI’s are the same as the Active Session Frame, and synchorize feature is also available for user convenience.

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SUB) Synchronize Feature

Select the Synchronize mode. When you use the synchronize mode, any mouse movements such as moving right, left, scrolling, and column sorting done on any one window will affect all other windows.


Item Description
17 Use the synchronize mode.
18 Not use the synchronize mode.

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SUB) Overview

The Active Session Current Wait Class Frame provides the number of active sessions currently in the wait events, grouped according to the wait classes.  The information is presented in stacked bar chart format and you can monitor 2 or more instances at the same time.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Active Sessions Current Wait Class

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Legend

Item Description
Legend Title Provides a list of Oracle Wait Class names and CPU.

  • The CPU list refers to the number of active sessions whose current status is “ON CPU”.
Legend Checkbox Provides the Series (Oracle Wait Class or CPU) On/Off function.

Note. The “ON CPU” status means that the V$SESSION.STATE column value is not in “WAITING” status.

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SUB) Overview

The Active Session Wait Class Trend Frame provides the number of active sessions which are currently in the wait events, grouped according to the wait classes.  The information is presented in a stacked bar chart (with trend line) format and you can monitor 1 instance at a time.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Active Sessions Current Wait Class

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Instance Name

The Instance Name provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

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SUB) Legend

Item Description
Legend Title Provides a list of Oracle Wait Class names and CPU.

  • The CPU list refers to the number of active sessions whose current status is “ON CPU”.
Legend Checkbox Provides the Series (Oracle Wait Class or CPU) On/Off function.

Note. The “ON CPU” status means that the V$SESSION.STATE column value is not in

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SUB) Overview

Provides the number of active sessions grouped based on instance groups.  Provided in a line chart format and you can monitor 2 or more groups simultaneously.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Active Sessions group

The screen configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Menu

The functions provided in the menu are as follows.

Legend Off

Hides the legend in case of a line chart.  The corresponding function is only available for a line chart.

Group List

Provides a list of instance groups currently being monitored.

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SUB) Graph Enable/Disable

You can use the the checkbox in front of the Group to turn on/off the graph display function.

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SUB) Overview

The Long Active Session Count Frame provides the number of active sessions grouped according the SQL elapsed time ranges.  The information is provided in a stacked bar chart format and you can simultaneously monitor 2 or more instances at the same time.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Long Active Session Count

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Display Mode

On the Display Mode, you can select the method of displaying the session count.

Item Description
 5 Displays the session count in a stacked bar format (Default)
 6 Displays the session count in a grid format.

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SUB) Legend

The Legend provides the elapsed time range represented by each of the stacked bar series color.  The elapsed time range can be adjusted on the options menu.

Stacked Bar Series Color Elapsed Time Range
Blue Less than 3 seconds
Green Less than 10 seconds
Yellow Less than 15 seconds
Red More than 15 seconds

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SUB) Option Button

You can set the Lock waiting time range on Options.


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SUB) Grid Mode

The Grid Mode provides the number of sessions according to the Lock waiting time range in a grid format.  Max (sec) refers to the longest Lock waiting time (sec) by instance.


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SUB) Overview

The Lock Waiting Session Count Frame provides the number of Lock waiting sessions grouped according to the lock waiting time range.  The information is provided in a stacked bar chart format and you can simultaneously monitor 2 or more instances at the same time.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Lock Waiting Session Count

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Display Mode

On the Display Mode, you can select the method of displaying the session count.

Item Description
 5 Displays the session count in a stacked bar format (Default)
 6 Displays the session count in a grid format.

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SUB) Legend

The Legend provides the lock waiting time range respresented by each of the stacked bar series color.  The lock waiting time range can be adjusted on the options menu.

Stacked Bar Series Color Lock Waiting Time Range
Blue Less than 5 seconds
Green Less than 10 seconds
Yellow Less than 60 seconds
Red More than 60 seconds

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SUB) Option Button

You can set the SQL elapsed time range on Options.


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SUB) Grid Mode

The Grid Mode provides the number of sessions according to the elapsed time range in a grid format.  Max (sec) refers to the longest elapsed time (sec) by instance.


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SUB) Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics

When you click on the bar on the Graph Mode or the cell on the Grid Mode, it connects to the Lock Tree Frame.  For more information about this page, please reference  “Chapter 5 Lock Tree Frame” section.

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SUB) Overview

The Lock Tree Frame provides the relationship between the Lock holder and the waiter in a tree structure.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Lock Tree

The window configuration is as follows.


Back To Top

SUB) Instance Name

The Instance Name provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

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SUB) Parent Node

The Parent Node provides detailed information on Lock holder.

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SUB) Child Node

The Child Node provides detailed information on Lock waiter.

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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session Identifier
SPID Server Process ID
Instance Name Instance Name
Type Held Lock held type of the session holding the Lock
Mode Held Lock held mode of the session holding
Type Requested Lock held type of the session requesting the Lock
Mode Requested Lock held mode of the session requesting the Lock
Status Session Status
Wait Name of the event currently waiting
SQL Plan Hash Plan hash Value
SQL Text SQL Statement
Elapsed Time Time elapsed from the start of SQL execution until now
Client Identifier Client Identifier
Program Program Name
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
Action Action Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Schema Schema Name
Machine Machine Name
OS User OS User Name
Logon Time Session Login Time
Serial Session Serial Number
User Name Oracle User Name

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For information on other features except the View SQL and Session Detail discussed in this section, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Kill Session After a confirmation as shown below, it kills the selected session.


View SQL Connects to SQL Detail window.

Session Detail Connects to Session Detail window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Expand All Shows the expanded entire tree structure. (Parent and Child Output)
Collapse All Shows the collapsed tree structure.  (Only Parent Output)
Row Expand Only expands the corresponding row in the Collapsed All state.
Row Collapse Only collapses the corresponding row in the Expand All state.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The PQ Sessions Frame provides the relationship between the coordinator and the session of slave in a tree structure.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> PQ Sessions

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Instance Name

The Instance Name provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

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SUB) Parent Node

The Parent Node provides detailed information about the Coordinator session.

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SUB) Child Node

The Child Node provides detailed information about the Slave sessions.

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SUB) Total Info

The Total Info provides the total number of slave sessions, 17 ,within the corresponding tree. Also, it provides the totals of the coordinator and slave’s session stat .

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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session identifier
Schema Schema Name
Program Program
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
CPID Client Process ID
SPID Server Process ID
Status Session Status
Serial Serial Number
Logical Reads/Sec (blocks) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Physical Reads/Sec (blocks) Disk I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Block Changes/Sec (blocks) Changed Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Execution/Sec SQL Text Execution Count (Value/sec)
CPU (%) CPU Usage (%)
PGA (MB) Size of PGA currently being used
Elapsed Time (Sec) Time elapsed from the start of SQL execution until now
Wait Name of the event currently waiting
SQL Plan Hash Plan hash Value
SQL Text SQL Statement
Action Action Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Logical Reads (Sigma) Memory I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Physical Reads (Sigma) Disk I/O Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Block Changes (Sigma) Changed Blocks Count (Cumulative Value)
Executions (Sigma) SQL Text Execution Count (Cumulative Value)
OS User OS User Name
Machine Machine Name
Logon Time Session Login Time

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows. For information on other features except the View SQL and Session Detail discussed in this section, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
View SQL Connects to SQL Detail window.

Session Detail Connects to Session Detail window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Expand All Shows the expanded entire tree structure. (Parent and Child Output)
Collapse All Shows the collapsed tree structure.  (Only Parent Output)
Row Expand Only expands the corresponding row in the Collapsed All state.
Row Collapse Only collapses the corresponding row in the Expand All state.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The Session Connection Info Frame provides the count of each session’s type.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Session Connection Info

The screen will appear as follows.


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SUB) Instance Name

The Instance Name provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

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SUB) Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics

When you click the number next to the performance indicator, it will connect to the connection window according to the performance indicator as follows.

Performance Indicator Connection Window Content Provided
Total Sessions Session Manager Tool A list of all the sessions currently connecting.
Active sessions Session Manager Tool Active Session List
(background session included)
Active User Session Session Manager Tool Active Session List

(background session not included)

Lock Waiting Sessions Lock Tree Frame Lock Tree
Long idle sessions Session Manager Tool A list of sessions whose inactive status has exceeded 3,600 seconds.

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SUB) Overview

The Process Monitor Tool provides a list of top processes.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> Process Monitor

The screen will appear as follows.


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SUB) Instance Name

The Instance Name provides a list of instances currently being monitored.

View Name Description
Trend View Provides a list of all the instances currently being monitored
RAC View Provides a list of instances within the corresponding RAC Group.
Single View Does not provide the Instance Name combo box.

Back To Top

SUB) Top Process Tab

The Top Process Tab provides a list of top 50 processes based on the CPU usage and memory size.

Note. When retrieving top -50 processes based on 2 standards, any duplicates will be deleted and hence, the total number of processes retrieved may be less than 100.

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SUB) Selected Process Tab

The Selected Process Tab provides a list of selected processes from the Top Process Tab.  If the selected process has been terminated, then it will be indicated as “process not found” in the Status Column.


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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
Command Command currently in progress
PID OS process ID
CPU Current CPU usage(%)
Real Memory (MB) Size of Real Memory currently in use
Virtual Memory (MB) Size of Virtual Memory currently in use
Status Once the process is terminated, it will output the message, “process not found”.

This column is only provided in the Selected Process Tab.

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

Back To Top

SUB) Overview

The Top Session (Stat) Window provides a list of top 20 sessions of each performance indicator.  The window configuration is as follows.  The left panel provides the instance list, and the right pane provides a list of top sessions for the instance you’ve selected from the left panel.


Note. The left panel is available only when the Trend Chart is monitoring with a line chart (legend off).

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SUB) Instance Find

The Instance Find provides not only the instance list as a combo box, but it also provides the search function. For information about the search function, please reference “Chapter 4 Auto-complete Function” section.

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SUB) Instance List

The Instance List displays all the instances currently being monitored. When you click on the Instance name, a list of top sessions regarding the corresponding instance will be displayed in the Session Info Area.

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SUB) Instance List Hide Button

The Instance List Hide Button hides the left panel.

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SUB) Alarm Settings

You can set the alarms for each session.

Item Description
 22 Enable the Alarm settings.
 23 Select a sign. The default setting is “>”.

 24 Enter the threshold value.

The sessions which satisfy the conditions set for the alarm will be indicated in red.


Note. This is the only warning (session information changing to red) the Session alarm provides.

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SUB) Refresh Setting

The Refresh Setting controls the Refresh related actions. For more information, please reference “Chapter 4 Tool Common UI” section.

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SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session ID
Serial Serial Number
Module Module Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
Action Action Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Program Program Name
Value Average Value per second (value/sec)

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

Back To Top

SUB) Overview

The Top Session (Event) Window provides a list of top 20 sessions of each wait event.  The window configuration is as follows.


All other functions are consistent with the Top Session(Stat) Window, except the Grid Column.  Therefore, for more information, please reference “Chapter 5 Top Session(Stat) Window” section.

Back To Top

SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session ID
Serial Serial Number
Module Module Name

  • l  Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
Action Action Name

  • Displays the information that it has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Program Program Name
Time Waited (Seconds) Corresponding Wait Event’s Wait Time
P1 (parameter name) Indicates the P1 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P1.
P2 (parameter name) Indicates the P2 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P2.
P3 (parameter name) Indicates the P3 value of the wait event.

  • Indicates the value equivalent to V$SESSION_WAIT.P.

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SUB) Overview

The Top Process Window provides information regarding the top 20 processes of each OS performance indicator.  The window configuration is as follows.


All other functions are consistent with the Top Session(Stat) Window, except the Grild Column.  Therefore, please reference “Chapter 5 Top Session(Stat) Window” section.

Back To Top

SUB) Grid Column

Column Name Description
SID Session ID

  • Displayed only when the corresponding process is an oracle server process.
  • Only the processes marked as SID will be connected to the Session Detail Window. 
SPID OS process ID
Module Module Name

  • The information is displayed only when the corresponding process is an oracle server process and when the module name has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.
Action Action Name

  • The information is displayed only when the corresponding process is an oracle server process and when the action name has been set as DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION.
Program Program Name

  • If the corresponding process is an oracle server process, then V$SESSION.PROGRAM information will be displayed.
  • If the corresponding process is not an oracle server process, then the OS process name will be displayed.
Value Provides the current generated value by each OS indicator.

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SUB) Overview

The Session Detail Window provides the function through which you can monitor session information.  It connects to various Tools and Frames mentioned in previous sections.  The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Trend Monitoring Area

The Trend Monitoring Area provides trends of main performance indicators.

Activity Tab

The Activity Tab provides trends of the following performance indicators.

Legend Title Description
CPU Corresponding session’s OS CPU usage (%)
L/Reads Corresponding session’s Memory I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
P/Reads Corresponding session’s Disk I/O Blocks Count (Value/sec)
Redo Corresponding session’s Redo Entry Generated Value (Value/sec)
Exec Corresponding session’s SQL Text Execution Count (Value/sec)
Wait Corresponding session’s Total Waiting Time (Value/sec)


The CPU Tab provides system and session level trends of the OS CPU usage (%).


L/Read Tab

The L/Read Tab provides system and session level trends of Memory IO Blocks Count (Value/Sec).


P/Read Tab

The P/Read Tab provides system and session level trends of Disk IO Blocks Count (Value/Sec).


Exec Tab

The Exec Tab provides system and session level trends of SQL Execution Count (Value/Sec).


Redo Tab

The Redo Tab provides system and session level trends of Redo Entry Generated Value (Value/Sec).


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SUB) Session Control Area

The Session Control Area provides the session control function.

Item Description
 34 After a confirmation step as shown below, it kills the selected session.37
 35 Sets the SQL Trace (10046) for the selected session.38

  • Level1: SQL Text, Elapsed Time and Execution Plan
  • Level4: Level1 + Bind information
  • Level8: Level1 + Wait information
  • Lvel12: Level1 + Level4 + Level8
 36 After a confirmation step as shown below, it turns off the SQL Trace (10046) function for the selected session.39

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SUB) Stat Info Area

The Stat Info Area provides various session performance information through Sigma, Delta, Session, and SQL Used Tab.

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SUB) Sigma Tab

The Sigma Tab window configuration is as follows.


Performance Indicator Cumulative Value

The Performance Indicator Cumulative Value is provided for each performance indicator.

Column Name Description
Name Performance Indicator Name
Value Performance Indicator Cumulative Value
Avg Average value (Value/Second) from the start of session login until now.

  • Calculation Formula: Cumulative Value / Seconds After Logon

Note. Depending on the types of performance indicator, it may show the current value instead of the cumulative value.  For example, performance indicators containing the word “current” such as logons current, opened cursors current, and others like uga memory, uga memory max, pga memory and pga memory max will display current values.

Wait Event Cumulative Value

The Wait Event Cumulative Value provides the cumulative value for each wait event.

Column Name Description
Event Wait Event Name
Total Waits Cumulative Wait Count for each waiting event
Total Timeouts Cumulative Timeout Count for each waiting event
Time Waited (Sec) Cumulative Wait Time for each waiting event

Logon Time and CPU Usage Time

Item Description
Seconds After Logon (Sec) Time elapsed from the start of session login until now.
CPU used by this session (Sec) CPU Time used from the start of User Call until now.
recursive cpu usage (Sec) CPU Time used by Recursive Call
parse time cpu (Sec) CPU Time used by Parsing (Hard, Soft)

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SUB) Delta Tab

The Delta Tab will be displayed by default when you connect to the Session Detail Window.  The Default Tab screen will appear as follows.


Wait Event Delta Value

The Wait Event Delta Value provides the average value per second (value/second) by wait events generated in between the Refresh periods.

Column Name Description
Event Wait Event Name
Waits Number of wait events generated
Timeouts Number of Timeouts by each wait event
Time Waited (Sec) Wait time by each wait event

Performance Indicator Delta Value

The Performance Indicator Delta Value is the delta value of the performance indicator generated in between the Refresh periods.

Column Name Description
Name Performance Indicator Name
Value/Sec Average Value Per Second by Each Performance Indicator

  • Calculation Formula: Value/Sec = Variation / Refresh Interval
Variation Delta value by each performance indicator

Session & SQL Main Information

The Session and SQL related main information is provided.

Item Description
SQL Plan Hash Plan hash Value
Elapsed Time (Sec) Time elapsed from the start of SQL until now
Module Module Name
Action Action Name
Client Info Client Info

Current Wait Event Information

The information of current wait events is provided.

Item Description
Current Wait Name of current wait events
Seq: Wait: Seconds in wait
  • Seq: Provides the same information as V$SESSION_WAIT.SEQ# Column.
  • Wait: Provides the same information as V$SESSION_WAIT.WAIT_TIME Column.
  • Seconds in wait: Provides the same information as  V$SESSION_WAIT.SECONDS_IN_WAIT Column.
Status Provides the same information as V$SESSION_WAIT.STATE Column
P1 (p1 parameter) Provides Wait Event P1 information
P2 (p2 parameter) Provides Wait Event P2 information
P3 (p3 parameter) Provides Wait Event P3 information

Note. For information regarding V$SESSION_WAIT, please reference the Oracle document in the URL below. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28320/dynviews_3023.htm

SQL Related Information

The SQL statement, execution plan, and bind information is provided.

Item Description
SQL Tab Provides the SQL statement.
Execution Plan Tab Provides the execution plan.
Bind Tab
  • Bind Capture Tab: Provides the search result of V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE. (Higher than 10g Provided)
  • SQL Monitor Tab: Provides the search result of V$SQL_MONITOR. (Higher than 11g Provided)
  • SQL with Bind Value:  Provides the Bind SQL whose bind variable has been applied with the literal value.
Format Button Formats the SQL statement.
View SQL Button Connects to the SQL Detail Window.

For more information, please reference “Chapter 6 SQL Detail Window” section.

Note. To check whether the Oracle Diagnostic pack license has been acquired or not, use the control_management_pack_access oracle parameter. If the corresponding parameter value is NONE, it means that the license has not been purchased.

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SUB) Session Tab

The Session Tab provides the session information.


Item Description
SID Session ID
Serial Serial Number
SPID Server Process ID
CPID Client Process ID
Logon Time Session Login Time
AUDSID Auditing Session ID
Schema Name Schema Name
User Name Oracle User Name
OS User OS User Name
Machine Machine Name
Terminal Terminal Name
Program Program Name
Module Module Name
Action Action Name
Client Info Client Info
Status Session Status
Elapsed Time Elapsed time from the start of SQL until now
Session Type Session Type (USER, BACKGROUND, and etc.)
SQL Plan Hash Plan Hash Value

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SUB) SQL Used Tab

The SQL Used Tab provides the SQL execution information from the start time of session monitoring.


Column Name Description
SQL Text SQL Statement
Address SQL Text Address Value
Hash Value SQL Text Hash Value

Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics

When you double click the SQL list, it connects to the SQL Detail Window.  For more information, please reference “Chapter 6 SQL Detail Window” section.

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SUB) Sliding Window Button

When you click the Sliding Window button, it displays the sliding window on which you will be able to view 6 tabs in a glance within the Trend Monitoring Area. 


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