
SUB) Overview

The SQL Elapsed Time Frame provides a scattered chart of Elapsed Time by SQL.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Docking Frame -> SQL Elapsed Time

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Graph Area

The elapsed time of each individual SQL whose process is complete will be displayed as a “dot” on the graph.

Note1. Each instance is differentiated by different “dot” color.
Note2. It Provides an animation effect for the new SQL in Graph Area.

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SUB) Filter Condition

There are 4 filter conditions.

Column Name Description
Instance Name Select the target instance name for monitoring.
Schema Select Schema as the monitoring target.
Program Select Program as the monitoring target.
Module Select Module as the monitoring target.

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SUB) Option

The Option settings window is as follows.


Item Description
Visible Program / Module Determine whether to provide program and module in the Filter Condition or not.

By default, it will be “checked”.

Set Max Value Set the maximum value for Y axis.   By default, it is “disabled”.

When you enable this option, the screen will be changed as follows.



  • Max Over Count : Number of SQL exceeding the Set Max Value
  • Max Elapsed Time (Sec): Longest SQL elapsed time among the SQLs exceeding the Set Max Value
Set Dot Size Sets the “dot” size to be displayed on the Graph Area

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SUB) Top-Down Real Time Diagnostics

1. Use your mouse to click and drag over the desired area in the Graph Area for which you wish to check detailed information.


2. Once you have selected an area, the SQL Elapsed List Window will pop up. The SQL Elapsed List Window provides the work details of the selected “dots”.


3. When you click on a grid item, the corresponding “dot” will become highlighted with a red circle.


4. When you double-click the grid item or select View SQL on the mouse right-click menu, then it connects to the SQL Detail Window. For more informaton regarding the SQL Details, please reference “Chapter 6 SQL Detail Window”


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SUB) SQL Elapsed List Window Grid Column

Column Name Description
Instance Name Instance Name
Time SQL Execution Completed Time
SID Session identifier
Elapsed Time (Sec) SQL Response Time
User Oracle User Name
Module Module Name
Program Program Name
Address SQL Text Address Value
Hash Value SQL Text Hash Value
SQL Plan Hash Plan hash Value

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SUB) SQL Elapsed List Window Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For all other items except the View SQL, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
View SQL Connects to SQL Detail Window.

Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filer On Enables the Filtering function.
Multi Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The SQL Used Tool provides the search resul of V$SQLAREA under various search conditions.

  • Work Path: Select Menu -> Tools -> SQL Used

The window configuration is as follows.


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SUB) Search Condition

Various search conditions are available.  The String Column is not case-sensitive and “%” is placed in front and at the end of the search condition and performs the Like search.

Item Description
SQL Text Enter the search object SQL statement.
SQL ID Enter the search object Oracle SQLID.
Module Enter the search object Module Name.
Parsing User Enter the search object Schema Name.
Buffer Gets (block) Enter the search object Buffer Get number (Cumulative Value).
Disk Reads (block) Enter the search object Disk Reads (Cumulative Value).
Executions Enter the search object Executions number (Cumulative Value).
Buffer Gets/exec (block) Enter the search object Buffer Get number (Average value per 1 execution).
CPU Time/exec (Sec) Enter the search object CPU Time (Average value per 1 execution).
Elapsed Time/exec (Sec) Enter the search object Elapsed Time (Average value per 1 execution).
Disk Reads/exec (block) Enter the search object Disk Reads (Average value per 1 execution).
Last Active Time Set the last most recently executed SQL as the search object.

  • Supports 10g or higher
  • The default value is 600 seconds and can be changed.
  • On/Off feature available
Order By (DESC) Choose the sorting standard.
Max Fetch Count Set the maximum number of items for fetching.

  • Once the items have been sorted, fetch the cases set by Max Fetch Count.

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SUB) SQL Related Information

The SQL Related Information provides the SQL statement, execution plan, BIND information and etc.

Item Description
SQL Tab Provides the SQL statement.
Execution Plan Tab Provides the execution plan.
Bind Tab
  • Bind Capture Tab: Provides the search result of V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.  (10g or higher)
  • SQL with Bind Value: Provides the Bind SQL whose bind variable has been applied with the literal value.  .
Format Button Formats the SQL statement.
Full SQL Text Button A separate window will pop up and provide the SQL statement.

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SUB) Grid Mouse Right Click Menu

The mouse right-click menu is as follows.  For more information, please reference “Appendix. Grid Mouse Right-Click Menu UI”.

Item Description
Export Excel Downloads the grid content on an excel file.
Copy(To Clipboard) Makes a copy of the grid content.
Show/ Hide Columns Selects the columns to be displayed on the grid.
Filter On Enables the Filtering function.
Multiple Sort On Sorts based on 2 or more column values.
Save Image Saves the grid content as an image.

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SUB) Overview

The SQL Detail Window provides the SQL statistics, execution plan, and BIND information.  The initial screen will appear as follows.


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